Your sketches will be all about developing the space and GUI designs. Things to flesh out: 
  • How the various experiences integrate with each other.
  • How the experiences support the desired narratives.
  • How the space and technology will support the desired narratives.
  • How the experience unfold over time.
  • What do the touch points and UI look and function.


Good design usually involves some struggle. It rarely comes from the first draft... but more often evolves through several if not numerous iterations. Don Hahn, Disney producer (Lion King) broke this process down rather artfully for us when he visited Kendall's campus in the Spring of 2011:
  • create lots of stuff
  • organize it
  • edit it
  • present it
  • weep
  • listen and adjust
  • repeat last three until it's finished


There are as many ways to produce media as there are studios and agencies making it. They do have one thing in common however; those that pursue excellence are rarely satisfied with their first or second draft. Iterative design = excellent design.This is a great example of a step-by-step process visually illustrated. It’s like being inside a designer’s brain, a great way to demonstrate the iterative nature of good art and design... where designs are advanced from initial concept into thoroughly developed final solution.